26th January 2018

A beautiful silk Persian rug cleaned and repaired

We have just hand cleaned and repaired this stunning Persian Qum rug for one of our very loyal clients in Kensington, West London.

The client called us originally to clean and repair five rugs including one Persian Tabriz and several very fine Tekke rugs from Afghanistan. We uplifted the rugs and carried out the work, delivering them a few weeks ago. The client asked if, on delivery, we would look at this incredible piece and see if there is anything we can do as some of the selvedge silk was fraying and a section of the fringe was fraying too.

We took the piece back to our workshop for analysis, carefully hand washed the silk being extremely careful to treat the soft silk pile with the care it deserved. We used almost no water at all and cleaned the rug in the traditional method. We added new silk to the sides and trimmed the excess (see image) and the rug is back to looking utterly incredible – as I’m sure you’ll agree!


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