20th February 2018

Large Persian carpets specialist cleaned and repaired

The Oriental Rug Repair Company

We decided to write about this project as it was quite an undertaking and the results were really spectacular.

We received a very worried call from our client who lives in Maida Vale, London. She bought three very, very large Persian Nain carpets over ten years ago in Germany, both of which now reside in a very impressive drawing room within their town house property.

Unfortunately they have two dogs, both of which had been seriously poorly and vomited and passed dog poo all over these beautiful carpets. Two of the carpets were a pair and really very unique. We were happy to put a retail replacement valuation for the pair at well over £80,000 so it was important they were very well looked after and more importantly – rescued from rather sorry (and rather smelly!) current condition. The two carpets matched almost identically and were made of pure wool, naturally dyed and hand made using the finest wools and stunning silk foundation. These were masterpiece persian carpets!

All three carpets were uplifted from the London address and taken back to our workshops near Wembley for a full analysis and appraisal. We got to work straight away and began gently teasing the pet soiled areas of the rugs, working the pile to carefully lift the stained areas. The work took in total over 60 hours for out repair team to meticulously stain remove and hand wash the carpets. This requires a specialist rug repair and cleaning team and expert knowledge of this quality of rug.

We hand cleaned all three pieces, in total over 5 times, each time revisiting the stains and working them out of the wools and silks.

As always, the results were utterly spectacular (see images!). After approx six weeks the Persian carpets were 100% clear of all pet damage.

We returned the carpets to the client who was utterly blown away by the results. We fitted specialist underlays to protect the rugs from heavy footfall and preserve the beautiful carpets.

We can get almost any stains out of almost any rug or carpet!

Hard work but well worth it!!! Whether it’s Chelsea, Kensington, Westminster, Belgravia, Surrey or Southampton – we collect absolutely free of charge!


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